Where are they now? Ian Han ’10

By Ian Han ’10
Alumnus shares the impact tuition assistance had on his life with the opportunities offered at LJCDS.

Many who do not attend LJCDS may falsely believe adolescence education to be routine—an obligation for youth to attend or risk truancy. Yet, my years from age 10 to 18 (and I would assume for many children) were, arguably, the most formative of my life. This understanding is what separates Country Day from other institutions—it is, and must be, so much more than just a school. Country Day is an institution for growth in all aspects of a young student’s life from academics and athletics to creativity and character. Faculty understand how to develop and nurture each student’s strengths while exposing to them a myriad of resources at their disposal to explore their world and how they fit within it. 
For me, Country Day offered unheard-of opportunities in academics, allowing me to take unique classes like Biotechnology and Computer Science. I was encouraged to step out of my comfort zone and participate in a variety of sports even with no experience. I was supported in exploring my creativity and charisma on stage in various musicals and drama productions. These lessons and experiences were critical in my adult life and career in software development and entrepreneurship. After matriculating and subsequently graduating from Johns Hopkins University, I founded Iron Forge, a software commercialization and development company. We’ve now expanded to over 20 employees and have helped design, develop and launch more than 75 startups and small businesses.
In reality, I would not have been able to attend without the incredible generosity of the tuition assistance program. Tuition assistance invested in my and many of my peer’s futures. We grew up to be doctors, engineers, politicians, actors and humanitarians—people who are changing the world. It’s impossible to quantify the impact La Jolla Country Day School has had on my life. What I can say with utmost certainty, however, is that I am a better adult because of my childhood experience at LJCDS.

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