Career Day 2022

By Katie Sigeti ’06, philanthropy manager, alumni programs
Alumni return to campus to share their experiences in the working world.
Career Day has been a time-honored LJCDS tradition since 1984. For almost 40 years, Upper School students have had the opportunity to learn about the paths of the Torreys who came before them and gain valuable insights as they consider what paths they may want to follow in college and into the workforce. 

This year, we were thrilled to have six outstanding alumni from a variety of professions return to campus as our Career Day speakers on Friday, February 25. Jana Hirschenbein ’90, Sam Hodgson ’02, Ruben Peña ’11, Alexi Davis Perez ’03, Joely Pritzker ’03 and Alina Popescu Strauss ’03 shared an overview of their career paths at an Upper School assembly before hosting breakout sessions with the senior class. Seniors chose three breakout sessions to attend, getting the opportunity to learn more about careers they are interested in pursuing, asking questions and connecting individually with the alumni speakers.

Read more about the Career Day 2022 alumni speakers.

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La Jolla, CA 92037

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