No Place for Hate

By Communications
On Tuesday, September 27, 14 eighth graders along with school counselors Ms. Ashley Marlow and Dr. LaNaadrian Easterling '01, participated in the No Place for Hate conference, sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

This full day event engaged more than 100 San Diego students and 50 educators in discussions about creating a safe and welcoming school climate for everyone. The conference incorporated three parts: a keynote speaker, a breakout session and a brainstorming session with members of the students’ school community.

The program featured:
  • Video remarks from Lady Gaga promoting ADL's #NoPlaceforHate programing
  • ADL's National Director of No Place For Hate leading anti-bias programing
  • The inspiring story of Megan Phelps-Roper and her journey of leaving her family's hateful Westboro Baptist Church
  • An adult panel featuring distinguished guests like Connor Maddocks, Sophia Arredondo and Lily Rubenstein
  • Breakout sessions for students to explore identity, bias and becoming allies against bullying and hate
  • Lily Rubenstein's powerful story of her coming out and transition as a trans high school student
This year’s keynote speaker, Megan Phelps-Roper, a young woman who was raised in the Westboro Baptist Church, shared her experience being a part of an intolerant group and her ultimate decision to leave. While a difficult story to share, Phelps-Roper wanted to encourage the audience that there is always hope for people to overcome hate with love.

Following the presentation, LJCDS students formed groups with students from other schools to explore factors that shape one’s identity and learned the steps to take to be an ally for marginalized groups. As the final activity, students regrouped with their classmates and chaperones to brainstorm ideas for how they can create a campus that is a place for everyone.

After the conference, students who participated shared with Ms. Marlow that the program was very helpful, and they would like to see it implemented for the entire grade. The students’ experience will be shared during Community Dialogue. Ms. Marlow shares, “This was a great learning opportunity for our students, and I loved seeing these young leaders in action.”

Since 2001 when the initiative launched in Boston, No Place for Hate has been embraced by more than 1,500 schools across the country. The 2016-2017 school year will mark the fifth year for No Place for Hate with ADL San Diego.

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